Nightmares on 2-8-35:street
Since I came back from Sweden I have had trouble sleeping. I hardly ever remember my dreams and ever more seldom I have nightmares but lately I have been having nightmares almost every night. I don’t always remember the content but I sleep very badly. Tonight was the worst night ever because when I woke up I realized that I had buried my nails deep into my own hands and left blue marks. It really hurt but its quite cool that I could do that to myself without waking up! I have to start relaxing because the lack of sleep is leaving me very tired.
Yesterday I went to have dinner with Ayumi and her friends. We ate at an Italian restaurant and it was really good food. Tonight I was supposed to meet Pia and some friends but Pia is feeling sick so we cancelled. I was also feeling sick the other day, maybe it’s a one day flue.
It’s very warm in Tokyo at the moment. Today it must have been around 20 degrees Celsius. There’s been a storm lying over big parts of Asia but Tokyo hasn’t been effected that much. The weather is great.
I’ve been upgraded one level in Japanese class. So now I have new teachers and new classmates. I’ve only attended the new class once so I don’t know what I think about it but I’m sure that it will be alright. They’re a few chapters ahead of me so I have to study grammar and Kanji. I hope I will learn just as much this semester as I did during the last.
I’ve realized that there’s not very much time left in Tokyo and I have still many things to accomplish. I will travel when my friend Hanna comes to visit me so I‘m not worrying about that. I talked to one of my friends in Sweden who was in Japan last year and he told me that I had to start shopping. I haven’t shopped that much yet and he told me that I should start now because I won’t have enough time later. I just don’t know what I want…
Yesterday I went to have dinner with Ayumi and her friends. We ate at an Italian restaurant and it was really good food. Tonight I was supposed to meet Pia and some friends but Pia is feeling sick so we cancelled. I was also feeling sick the other day, maybe it’s a one day flue.
It’s very warm in Tokyo at the moment. Today it must have been around 20 degrees Celsius. There’s been a storm lying over big parts of Asia but Tokyo hasn’t been effected that much. The weather is great.
I’ve been upgraded one level in Japanese class. So now I have new teachers and new classmates. I’ve only attended the new class once so I don’t know what I think about it but I’m sure that it will be alright. They’re a few chapters ahead of me so I have to study grammar and Kanji. I hope I will learn just as much this semester as I did during the last.
I’ve realized that there’s not very much time left in Tokyo and I have still many things to accomplish. I will travel when my friend Hanna comes to visit me so I‘m not worrying about that. I talked to one of my friends in Sweden who was in Japan last year and he told me that I had to start shopping. I haven’t shopped that much yet and he told me that I should start now because I won’t have enough time later. I just don’t know what I want…
Problem att sova?
Tränar du någonting?
Att bara göra intellektuella aktiviteter utan att ibland slita ut kroppen kan rubba ens dygnsrytm.
Hej Robert!
Jag tränar faktiskt 5-6 ggr i veckan, men jag sov faktiskt en hel natt inatt! kanske vänder...
Hur mår du?
Vi ses nog isommar igen!
Då ändrar jag min diagnos:)
Du kanske gör för mycket, är för rastlös? Kanske du bara ska slappna av en dag eller två och vila ut...
Själv har jag nyss kommit hem från Afrika/Zambia.
Såg en massa djur: Lejon, flodhästar, krokodiler, cape buffalos, giraffer, elefanter, antiloper/impalor, babianer, en massa fåglar och en massa andra konstiga kreatur.
Såg även viktoriafallen vid gränsen till Zimbabwe. Man kan bli rätt blöt av att besöka den ;)
Själva "huvudstaden" Lusaka var väl inte mycket att hurra åt. Rätt mycket slum och alla som hade pengar bodde i hus bakom murar.
"Vi ses nog isommar igen!"
Så länge man inte blir blind, då hörs vi bara...
Vad roligt och exotiskt det låter!
Jag mår mycket bättre nu, sover bättre! Snart är det dags att åka hem och jag hoppas att du inte blir blind. Hälsa alla andra!
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