Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spring is in the air

Today I tried to upload some new photos but it didn’t work! I hate when there is trouble with technical things because I’m so lousy at fixing them! Maybe it will work tomorrow because I have tons of photos just waiting to be seen by you.
Yesterday I saw a friend of mine, Akira, and he took me out for a wonderful day together. We meet up in Otemachi where we walked around talking about everything in the incredible spring weather. He took me to ’Beams’ which is a store with thing that are so expensive that I can’t imagine who might buy them. He also treated me a great lunch at a famous sandwich restaurant and which’s name I have forgotten. I ate a fruit salad and fruit sandwiches. I’ve never had a fruit sandwich before but it tastes like cake actually. After lunch we continued to the only tram left in Tokyo. He told me that until the 1970’s there where many trams in Tokyo but that now they have been replaced by regular trains and the subway. We took the tram to Asukaya Kouen (a park) that’s famous for it’s Sakura trees. The trees where still not blooming but it was beautiful anyways. I’ve always seen it as a mystery where all the children in Tokyo are because I never see any kids. I even looked for children’s cloth stores once but I didn’t find any. I know that the birthrate is 1,2 per woman in Japan, that means even lower than Sweden, but there should be at least some kids somewhere in Tokyo. That day with Akira I found out where they all were: in Asukaya kouen! They were everywhere but I’m found of children so it didn’t bother me…that much! After the park Akira took me to a typical Japanese graveyard. It was interesting because there where things written in Sanskrit (because of Buddhism) and some of the letters where very similar to hindi so I could read them. After that we parted because I had an appointment with Fumi and her sister Ayumi that took me to eat curry in a part of Shinjuku that I didn’t know since before.
Today I was invited to Izumi’s house for lunch. We were totally ten people at her house and everyone had brought something to eat, I had made a pasta salad. It was fun and I got to meet some new and some old friends! Though I was very tired (I can’t sleep well because of my jet lag) I enjoyed the party and stayed until quite late. I had to hurry back to my dorm where the preparations for the new students that arrived today were being held. They were mostly Koreans and Chinese but I also saw some of the people in the dorm that I hadn’t seen for a very long time. Now I’m a bit tired and I think I should go to bed because tomorrow I have to attend the course registration.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bra att allt går bra för dig.

Själv har man feber och mår allmänt dålig. Troligvis pga ett antal vaccinationer jag tog nyligen.

1:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hej Robert!
Varför har du vaccinerat dig? Ska du ut och resa?
Hoppas att du kryar på dig!


7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja. Jag ska ut och resa den 9 april.

Min far bjöd mig och min bror till Zambia där han arbetar för tillfället.

Skall vara där ca 2 veckor.

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! Vad spännande!
Hoppas att ni får det kul. Här är det nästan sommar och jag får njuta av det i en månad sedan börjar hettan som är mindre rolig...

9:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jo, jag har det bra allt är väl som vanligt i Sverige, det börjar bli vår här också. Snart hemma igen? Har inte du halva tiden kvar?
Efter att ha läst din blogg har jag börjat bli sugen på att plugga utomlands. Jag tycker verkligen om att resa och försöker göra det så ofta som möjligt och nu vet jag vem jag ska fråga ifall jag skulle välja att plugga i Japan. Ska du jobba på Octapharma i sommar? Hade det så bra så syns vi väl sen i sommar. Sen Jadwiga tyckte det var trevligt att du hälsade.

Dewa mata!
Patrik L-S

5:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jag har sökt jobb hos Octapharma igen. Men jag kommer inte hem förrens den 14e juli så vi får se. Jag hoppas att jag får det, det var ett kul jobb...
Du då, ska du jobba på Octapharma?
Jag tycker absolut att du ska åka utomlands och om du åker till tokyo kan du få mina gamla kompisar!! haha

1:44 PM  

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