Warmth is out, cold is in
Tokyo is getting really cold by now, not as Sweden but still cold. I’m glad that it doesn’t reach below zero degrees here though. I’ve been very tired this week and it might be because of the cold.
Last week I met a new friend, Taku, who is really nice. He has lived in Mexico and wants to practice his Spanish and as you know I want to learn Japanese… Today he gave me a lot of Japanese music and I’m listening to it now, it’s great! It’s a Japanese band called Mr. Children, his favorite band, and I like it too.
Tomorrow I’m going to the movies with Izumi and we’re going to see “The devil wears Prada” and have dinner.
Pia and I went to Swedish Style this week. It was held at a club called “Velour” and it was quite good. But it was a school night so I couldn’t stay very late. We got the chance to say goodbye to the friends we made at the last Swedish Style event we went to since they were leaving Tokyo and going back to Sweden. Pia and I have decided that we are going to go out more because as it is right now we hardly ever go clubbing. But that’s going to change…soon.
Next weekend we (Pia, Enrica, Jenny and me) are going to a club called Ageha and it’s a super big club that even has a pool. I’m looking forward to it.
Maybe I’ll try shopping tomorrow again I might have more luck this time…
Last week I met a new friend, Taku, who is really nice. He has lived in Mexico and wants to practice his Spanish and as you know I want to learn Japanese… Today he gave me a lot of Japanese music and I’m listening to it now, it’s great! It’s a Japanese band called Mr. Children, his favorite band, and I like it too.
Tomorrow I’m going to the movies with Izumi and we’re going to see “The devil wears Prada” and have dinner.
Pia and I went to Swedish Style this week. It was held at a club called “Velour” and it was quite good. But it was a school night so I couldn’t stay very late. We got the chance to say goodbye to the friends we made at the last Swedish Style event we went to since they were leaving Tokyo and going back to Sweden. Pia and I have decided that we are going to go out more because as it is right now we hardly ever go clubbing. But that’s going to change…soon.
Next weekend we (Pia, Enrica, Jenny and me) are going to a club called Ageha and it’s a super big club that even has a pool. I’m looking forward to it.
Maybe I’ll try shopping tomorrow again I might have more luck this time…
Hej Indra!
Har mycket att göra pga FDA- inspektion annars är det ok på lab. Vi hade personalfest för en vecka sedan. Det var över 300 personer som var på fest.
Hur kallt är det i Tokyo? Jag har ofta tänkt på dig. Du är trevlig, duktig och målmedveten. Din mor och far måste vara stolta över dig.
Ha det bra och studera duktigt.
Hej Achara! Vad roligt att höra av dig igen. Du måsste hälsa alla på jobbet!!!
Tack för att du tror på mig det värmer verkligen. Jag tänker även på dig och väntar fortfarande på svar från din väninna;)
Det börjar bli lite kallare här nu ca 10 grader och det regnar ganska mycket...
Ha det så bra och hälsa hem!
Massa kramar
Hey Indra! You know, I haven't seen a comment in English yet, so let me be the first! It sounds like you're having an amazing time in Tokyo. I like your entry about collagen...I keep picturing you with a plastic mask on your face that after you take off your face doesn't move...you know, like Botox? Haha...It soulds like you're having a great time. Can't wait to read your next entry!
21 nov-06
Hola Indra,
A pesar de que Tokio esté tan frio creo que la pasas muy rico en el Oriente.
Aquí en Linköping ha estado lloviendo bastante y tu sabes que cuando llueve en Suecia pues no escampa.
Que bueno que ya te dedicas a oir música japonesa, ese es una buena manera de aprender un idioma extranjero.
La tia y yo trataremos de llamarte mañana miercoles, ojala que estes en tu domicilio.
Que la pases bien y te diviertas mucho.
Saludos y abrazos de la tia Birgitta y el tio Toto.
I'm so happy to hear from you!
I hope you're great. I've been thinking about you a great deal because I have a feeling you would love Tokyo. I miss you very much!
Maybe I'll get a chance to see you soon, I really hope so.
Take care
Hola Tio!
Manana estare en casa despues de las 22 (17 en Suecia) si me llaman y no contesto me puedes mandar un mail a mi telefono y yo te contesto! Me pueden llamar hasta muy tarde porque no tengo escula el jueves! El mail de mi portable esta escrito en la pagina "Tokyo drift"
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